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Logo for ExplorEC: Early College at Maine's Public Universities

Early College (or dual enrollment) refers to all programs in which high school students enroll in college courses. Students earn both college and high school credit when they successfully complete the course.

High school students who enroll in early college courses are more likely:

  • to enroll in college
  • have higher grades
  • have a better chance of earning a college degree.

Qualified concurrent and Aspirations students may earn up to 12 free credit hours per year (Summer term courses count toward the following academic year, i.e. Summer 2023 classes count toward the 2023/2024 year). Concurrent and Aspirations programs are supported, in part, by the Maine Department of Education (External Site).

Bridge Year students may earn up to 25+ credits, at a cost of $40 per credit. 

To learn more about our revised academic eligibility policy for Early College download our Student Access document (Word Document).

Join University of Maine System Early College administrators from all of our campuses and special guests in exploring the nuances of our various programs. In this collaborative video series our teams will share their perspectives through panels, presentations, and interviews with subject matter experts and industry insiders.



Earlier Announcements

Transcript for University of Maine System Early College: Samantha York, NEWS CENTER Maine (1:30)