Confidential Resources for Individuals Affected by Sexual Harassment, Sexual Assault, Dating Violence, Domestic Violence, Stalking and Sex Discrimination

Services providing support around the areas of sexual harassment, sexual assault, dating violence, domestic violence and stalking are available to all free of charge. Please keep in mind that the Deputy/Title IX Coordinator is not confidential but can connect you to resources that are confidential. These services are available to you whether or not your incident occurred on or within the campus community.

All of the resources listed below are confidential to anyone who is seeking support. Some of these resources are within the University of Maine System, while others are community or national partners. Confidential resources have mandatory reporting obligations when they receive report of incidents involving minors (under 18 years old) to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the District Attorney (DA) under Maine law.

Confidential resources within the University of Maine System

On-campus counseling

Individual school counseling centers will generally maintain confidentiality, but these offices may have mandated reporting obligations under state and federal law. These resources will not disclose information to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Coordinator without written consent.

On-campus health centers

Campus health centers will generally maintain confidentiality, but these offices may have mandated reporting obligations under state and federal law. These resources will not disclose information to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Coordinator without written consent.

Confidential Resource Advisors

Campus Confidential Resource Advisors will generally maintain confidentiality, but they may have mandated reporting obligations under state and federal law. They will not disclose information to the Deputy Title IX Coordinator or the Title IX Coordinator without written consent.

Confidential resources not affiliated with the University of Maine System


Off-Campus Resource Advisors:

Off-Campus Resource Advisors, advocates and mental health providers will generally maintain confidentiality. These providers may have other obligations under state law, such as mandatory reporting law enforcement in case of abuse of minors.

Emergency Care:

Ambulance services are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Dial 911 for emergency services.


Local and regional hospitals can help to treat injuries, check for pregnancy/STDs and collect physical evidence to be used should you choose to report the assault. Hospitals will keep a record of the evidence whether or not you file a report with the police.

For sexual assault

Maine Coalition Against Sexual Assault

For relationship abuse or violence

Maine Coalition to End Domestic Violence

Additional resources and links:

If you are unsure of what resources you need, what has happened to you or if you want to explore your options before reaching out to a Deputy/Title IX Coordinator, there are many pages on this site to help guide you through the process: