Subject: Financial Adjustments – Tuition, Fees, and Room & Board

Effective 06/08/18

A. Purpose:

This Administrative Practice Letter (APL) sets forth the procedures for adjustment of student charges and appeals related to class drop/withdrawal and student university withdrawals. Charges are adjusted for students who voluntarily withdraw or reduce their class credit load through the end of the Financial Adjustment Period, as defined in Section C and D, at any University of Maine System (UMS) institution in accordance with the schedule and provisions set forth below. The practices and associated procedures apply to all students and will be administered consistently at every institution. Students who are registered at multiple UMS institutions will be processed according to this APL based on all enrollments within the University of Maine System.

B. Definitions:

Financial Adjustment Period:

Variable period of time, dependent on course length, a student may receive a financial adjustment for a reduction in their class schedule during a term or session.

Class Drop/Withdrawal:

A reduction in class credit load while remaining enrolled in other courses for a term or session as defined in Section C.

Student University Withdrawal:

Dropping or withdrawing from all classes for the term or session as defined in Section D.

Mandatory Fees:

Student charges based on conditions of enrollment at any University of Maine System institution. Mandatory charges will be designated as such on the institution’s schedule of charges.

Non-Adjustable Fees:

Fees for which a student receives no adjustment. Non-adjustable fees will be designated as such on the institutions schedule of charges.

Special Class Fees:

Campus assessed fees based on individual courses. These fees are normally not a fixed amount but rather are typically associated with specific costs on behalf of the student (i.e., travel and/or materials).


An individual enrolled in courses regardless of degree status or financial need at any University of Maine System institution.

Length of Class:

As defined on the class schedule, beginning with the start date posted for the individual class and ending on the stop date posted for the class. Changes in scheduled classes (beginning or ending) by the instructor are not considered when calculating adjustments to charges.

C. Class Add/Financial Adjustment for Dropping of Class(es):

Adding classes at any time may result in additional charges to the student’s account.

For purposes of calculating financial adjustments, attendance includes weekends and holidays, and ends on the student’s last day of attendance as determined when (s)he notifies the institution’s designated official or office, that (s)he is dropping or withdrawing from a class(es) while remaining enrolled in other class(es).

Dropping or withdrawing from classes will result in an adjustment in accordance with the following schedule:

 Length of ClassWithdraw Schedule
Classes 12 weeks or more in length:100% prior to the end of the second week (14 days)*
Classes 11 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the eleventh day (11 days)
Classes 10 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the tenth day (10 days)
Classes 9 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the ninth day (9 days)
Classes 8 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the eighth day (8 days)
Classes 7 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the seventh day (7 days)
Classes 6 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the sixth day (6 days)
Classes 5 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the fifth day (5 days)
Classes 4 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the fourth day (4 days)
Classes 3 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the third day (3 days)
Classes 2 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the second day (2 days)
Classes 1 week or less in length:100% prior to the end of the first day (1 day)

* The deadline for 100% refund for full-semester classes will be adjusted to the next working day if it falls on a weekend or a holiday.

D. Student University Withdrawal (from all university system courses):

1. Determination of Attendance

For purposes of calculating financial adjustments attendance includes weekends and holidays, and ends on the student’s last day of attendance as determined when (s)he notifies the institution’s designated official or office, that (s)he is withdrawing from all university system classes.

Students who cease attendance without notifying the University within thirty (30) days of their last date of attendance will not be entitled to any adjustment of charges without approval of a written appeal. The designated university official will make a decision regarding the appeal based on the documentation and/or conditions presented.

2. Tuition and Mandatory Fees University Withdrawal Adjustment Schedules:

 Length of ClassWithdraw Schedule
Classes 12 weeks or more in length:100% prior to the end of the second week (14 days)
75% prior to the end of the fourth week (28 days)
50% prior to the end of the sixth week (42 days)
25% prior to the end of the eighth week (56 days)
0% after the eighth week (57 days and after)
Classes 11 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the eleventh day (11 days)
Classes 10 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the tenth day (10 days)
Classes 9 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the ninth day (9 days)
Classes 8 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the eighth day (8 days)
Classes 7 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the seventh day (7 days)
Classes 6 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the sixth day (6 days)
Classes 5 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the fifth day (5 days)
Classes 4 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the fourth day (4 days)
Classes 3 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the third day (3 days)
Classes 2 weeks in length:100% prior to the end of the second day (2 days)
Classes 1 week or less in length:100% prior to the end of the first day (1 day)

Note: Flat rate tuition and fees may result in different or no adjustments.

3. Room Adjustment Schedule:

Fall and Spring Academic Terms:
Date of Withdrawal% Refunded
Withdrawal prior to the end of the second week (14 days)100%
Withdrawal prior to the end of the fourth week (28 days)75%
Withdrawal prior to the end of the sixth week (42 days)50%
Withdrawal prior to the end of the eighth week (56 days)25%
Withdrawal after the eighth week (57 days and after)0%

All other room and board adjustments are governed by the Terms and Conditions of the Residence Hall Contract.

4. Board Adjustments

Students who withdraw from the university will be charged for board funds expended and/or for meals at the daily-established rate through the date of clearance as determined by residence life. Any remaining balance will be credited to the student’s account. Any part of a board plan, not based on a daily rate, will be credited in accordance with the residence hall contract.

E. Advanced Deposits

  1. Admission/Enrollment deposits are not refundable after May 1 for the Fall term; January 1 for the Spring term.
  2. Residence Hall deposits are not refundable after June 1. Refunding is based on the provisions of the contract.
  3. Students who cancel or withdraw after the above stated refund dates forfeit their deposit.

F. Involuntary withdrawals

Consideration for financial adjustments of charges for involuntary withdrawals, (e.g., extended illness, military service), will be considered by the university on a case-by-case basis. Administrative dismissals are not covered by this APL and thus are not entitled to an adjustment of institutional charges.

Involuntary withdrawals may include but are not limited to the following:

a) Military deployment, transfer, or recall to active duty. The request for withdrawal must be substantiated with a copy of the student’s military orders.

b) Illness of the student or an immediate family member. A physician’s statement, certifying the student’s or family member’s illness that required the student withdrawal, must be provided.

c) Death of immediate family member. Appropriate documentation must accompany the request for withdrawal.

d) Involuntary transfer by the student’s employer that precluded continued enrollment. The request for withdrawal must be substantiated by appropriate documentation from the employer.

G. Statute of Limitations

Appeals for an exception to the established financial adjustment policies and practices may be made to the designated university official. Normally, appeals will be considered up to 90 days after the close of the term for which the student is requesting a financial adjustment.

H. Academic Appeals

Impact University academic appeals committees hear appeals on academic matters and have no authority to authorize financial adjustments.

Related Documents:

Board Policy 703: Tuition and Fees

Approved: Vice Chancellor of Finance & Administration

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