Intent to Plan (ITP) Step 1

  1. Participating University Provost Approvals
    1. Outreach to Faculty Governance Council (FGC) and other Universities
  2. Chief Academic Officers Council (CAOC) & Vice Chancellor of Academic Affairs (VCAA) Approvals
  3. If approved, move to Program Proposal Step 2

Program Proposal Step 2

  1. Participating Universities Evaluation
  2. Participating University President Approvals
  3. If approved, move to Proposal to VCAA Step 3. Step 1 to step 3 have a one year maximum.

Proposal to VCAA Step 3

  1. Proposal to VCAA Step 3 has two outcomes:
    1. FGC which goes to FGC brings to campus assemblies/senetes and goes back to FGC.
    2. CAOC which goes to VCAA Action, notification to President. VCAA Action, notification to President has three possible outcomes
      1. Refer to President’s Council (PC), which goes back to VCAA Action, notification to President.
      2. Revise or Reject, which goes back to Participating University Provost Approvals in Intent to Plan (ITP) Step 1.
  • Recommend Approval. Move to Chancellor Step 4.

Chancellor Step 4

  1. Chancellor has three possible outcomes:
    1. Refer to PC, which goes back to Chancellor Step 4.
    2. Review or Revise, which goes back to VCAA Action, notification to presidents
    3. Recommend Approval. Move onto Notice of Decision to Universities and Distribution to Academic & Student Affairs Committee (ASA)
  2. Distribution to ASA. This action leads to these three final steps:
    1. Distribution to Board of Trustees (BOT)
    2. Notification of Final Approval
    3. Add to Program Inventory Step 5