APL Title: University of Maine System Administrative Practice Letter on Named Professorships
Organizational Area: Academic and Student Affairs
Effective Date: July 8, 2024
Review Cycle: As needed
Revision and Review History: Implemented July 22, 1969, Revised and expanded July 8, 2024
Corresponding BOT Policies: Policy Manual Section 312: University Professor

Section 1: Purpose and Scope of the APL on Named Professorships 

University of Maine System named professorships are established to recognize and support outstanding faculty serving within the University of Maine System (UMS).  Named professorships include the titles of Trustee Professor, Libra Professor, and University Professor.  Guidelines for establishing and overseeing each UMS-named professorship vary and are outlined below. 

Section 2: Guidelines for Named Professorships

Libra Professor:

Established in 1989 by the University of Maine System through a generous gift from Elizabeth B. Noyce, the Libra Professorships seek to recognize and sustain academic programs of excellence. They do so in five ways:

  • They build, enhance, and provide recognition for selected programs of the highest quality.
  • They promote excellence in the programs of a University of Maine System institution that make a major contribution to advancing the mission of that institution.
  • They reward a program where special strength and excellence are emerging;
  • They attract or reward exemplary faculty in the programs identified on the campuses;
  • They provide students with outstanding faculty models for teaching, research, and public service.

The awarding university establishes the Libra Professor’s eligibility, nominations, funding, and responsibilities. Appointment as a Libra Professor shall be determined through a University-based selection process. Upon selection, a letter from the University president outlining the selected Libra Professor’s name and project shall be forwarded to the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs as an informational item. No additional University of Maine System action is required. The Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs will forward an annual report of the names of faculty awarded a Libra Professorship with a brief description of the projects supported by the award to the Board of Trustees. 

Trustee Professor:

Established in 1998, the Trustee Professorships are devoted exclusively to honoring and supporting outstanding University of Maine System faculty already making noteworthy contributions to academic excellence on their campuses and within the System. The Trustee professorship awards provide release time and support for faculty undertaking research and other scholarly/creative endeavors not feasible within their normal workload. This program is designed to assist UMS institutions in recognizing, rewarding, and retaining exceptional scholars and, in so doing, promoting excellence in teaching, scholarship, and research throughout the University of Maine System. 

Funds will be available to Trustee Professors to provide release time and a stipend. As the necessary endowed funding is secured, the program will be expanded to increase the amount available for release time so that each university may nominate up to the following number of candidates in any given year to be named a Trustee Professor: the University of Maine – 3, University of Southern Maine – 2, University of Maine at Augusta – 1, University of Maine at Farmington – 1, University of Maine at Fort Kent – 1, University of Maine at Machias – 1, University of Maine at Presque Isle – 1.

To qualify for a Trustee Professorship, a faculty member must be nominated by their institution based on a campus-based selection process. The Trustee Professorship is not renewable and is generally awarded for a period of one year. However, multi-year awards for a period of up to four years in length may be granted at the request of the nominating institution. The candidate must have completed at least three years of service (the faculty member may be nominated during their third year of service to receive the award during their fourth year). They must submit an application through the campus process, which describes the endeavor to be pursued during the award period. This endeavor should fit within one or more of the following categories: 1) one that will have broad and/or significant institutional impact; 2) one that will contribute significantly to the candidate’s academic field of study/research/inquiry/creativity and/or to the quality of teaching in that field; 3) one that will contribute significantly to the public service mission of the university through its impact on the broader community; 4) one that will support the candidate’s personal and professional growth in significant ways in recognition of previous outstanding service and achievement, and future promise. The nomination brought forward from the institution to the System office should indicate why the nominee particularly deserves the Trustee Professorship. 

Nominations are to be submitted to the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs, who will forward them to the Chancellor with their recommendations regarding approval. The Chancellor will give final approval to all nominations for Trustee Professorships. The Board of Trustees will receive an annual report of the names of faculty awarded a Trustee Professorship with a brief description of the scholarly work supported by the award. 

University Professor:

The title “University Professor” is reserved for faculty members with exceptional achievements that have brought them national or international distinction. It recognizes the highest merit and exemplary contributions to the quality of the individual’s university.

The title may be conferred only on tenured individuals who occupy positions in academic units and carry the rank of professor and individuals who are to join academic units as tenured professors.

Appointment to the position of University Professor involves service to other universities in the University of Maine System. The service may include teaching, consulting on curriculum and research, or other similar activities. University Professors will receive a salary increment to be added to their base salary.

Appointment as a University Professor shall be recommended by the President, nominated by the Chancellor, and approved by the Board of Trustees. Each unit shall establish procedures for the selection of nominees. See: Policy Manual Section 312: University Professor

Section 3:  Revisions and Changes to the APL on Named Professorships

This APL provides guidelines for the consistent establishment of UMS-named professorships. Future modifications may be considered based on recommendations from any office or group. Future modifications will be administered and supported by the UMS Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. The final authority for approving such modifications sits with the UMS Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. Any changes to this APL should be distributed widely among UMS Provosts, Faculty Senates, and the Board of Trustees office for comment and review. 

The UMS Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs will determine if changes to this APL are substantive or non-substantive. Substantive changes are required to follow the APL creation and revision process outlined above. Non-substantive changes to this APL do not require any review beyond the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs. Non-substantive changes are minor changes that do not affect the overall purpose and instructions outlined by the document. Non-substantive changes may take many forms, including, but not limited to: grammar or spelling corrections, inclusive language, technical revisions, updated names and contacts of pertinent offices or departments, or reorganized APL sections.

Section 4:  Contact 

For questions regarding this APL, please contact the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Academic and Student Affairs.

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