Section 301 Mission and Strategic Plan Policy

Effective: 9/23/91
Last Revised: 5/22/06; 1/10/11
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

Policy Statement:

The Board of Trustees, as the legal governance body for the University of Maine System, establishes the policies that enable the System institutions to provide higher education of excellent quality to Maine and its citizens. One of the most important Board responsibilities is the approval of mission statements and strategic plans for the System and for the universities.

Mission statements and strategic plans for both the System and the Universities provide a framework for the development of appropriate programs and services. Missions and strategic plans for the universities must be in conformance with System strategic plan and must be broad enough to allow the flexibility required by vital, responsive universities; they must also be limited enough to define the niche of each institution within the context of our seven institution system, but without resulting in static universities. Successful mission statements provide for strategic planning, allowing the System and the Universities to offer leadership in education for the future, while responding to the immediate educational needs of the State. Mission statements and strategic plans will normally be brought to the Board for approval on a five-year cycle. Development of these documents should follow the appropriate procedure, as outlined in Section 301 of the Administrative Procedures Manual.  However, the Board, in consultation with the Chancellor, may call for review and revision of a mission at any time outside the normal cycle.

Related Documents:

UMS Board of Trustees Policy:

Section 102 – UMS Charter – Section 1-A

Section 301.1 – UMS Mission Statement

Section 301.2 – UM Mission Statement

Section 301.3 – USM Mission Statement

Section 301.4 – UMA Mission Statement

Section 301.5 – UMF Mission Statement

Section 301.6 – UMFK Mission Statement

Section 301.7 – UMM Mission Statement

Section 301.8 – UMPI Mission Statement

Administrative Procedures for Mission Approval