
Each year the UMS Finance team performs a multi-year projection that estimates enrollment, tuition, sees, appropriation, compensation, benefits, capital expenses and non-compensation expenses to calculate the difference between revenues and expenses for future years. The formula is total revenues minus expenses. Where a negative value is a gap and a positive value is a surplus. The prediction indicates more expenses will be needed than revenues generated over the next five year period (i.e., the gap will become larger).


Note: UMS goal is zero for all years.

Year Projected Structural Gap
2019 -$4,137,826
2020 -$710,8772
2021 -$10,969,624
2022 -$12,173,815
2023 -$13,866,919


This line graph shows Projected Structural Gap and UMS goal from 2019 through 2023, with the dollar amount presented on the Y-axis and the years on the X-axis.

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