
The Net Assets Value Index is an annual statistic that represents the overarching impression of campus condition and is calculated by subtracting the backlog from the current replacement value of the campus and the dividing by the replacement value. More specifically, it is the percent of campus that is in proper, working condition, or the actual value of a campus physical assets, not including those items that have already been deferred to the asset reinvestment backlog. An NAV Index of 100% is a school or building with no asset reinvestment backlog.


Note: Interim Goal is a Net Assets Value Index of 63.5, and long-term goal is 70.

Year UMS UMS Peers
2008 62 70
2009 62 70
2010 60 71
2011 59 71
2012 59 71
2013 58 71
2014 58 72
2015 57 72
2016 56 72
2017 55 72
2018 55 72


This line graph shows the UMS Net Assets Value Index, UMS Peers Net Assets Value Index, Interim Goal Net Assets Value Index, and Long-term Goal Net Assets Value Index from 2008 through 2018, with the Net Assets Value Index represented on the Y-axis and the years on the X-axis.

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