THOR Institute attends MELMAC Foundation Peer Learning Conference in Augusta

Earlier this month, THOR Institute Program Manager Emily Zider had the opportunity to present at the MELMAC Foundation Peer Learning Conference in Augusta. The MELMAC Education Foundation aims to help students across the state of Maine identify and understand the various pathways after high school that can lead to college and career success. The event brought together educators from around the state committed to strengthening the ways they can support students. The THOR Institute’s breakout session, titled ‘Opportunities in Vacationland: Pathways to Careers in Tourism, Hospitality, and Outdoor Recreation’ highlighted the importance of these industries in the state of Maine, the many opportunities for students to connect their passions to successful careers, and the various pathways within Maine’s public universities to support students in these pursuits.

It was a great event of connection and networking. There was not an empty seat in the breakout room and we at the THOR Institute continue to be inspired by the abundance of ideas generated when we connect with our educational partners around the state! Thank you to the MELMAC Education Foundation for inviting us to attend.