Section 504 Student Representation on Campus Committees

Effective: 1/25/78
Last Revised:
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

Policy Statement:

Administrative officers are empowered to establish campus committees to assist them in discharging responsibilities delegated to them by the citizens of Maine, Board of Trustees, and the Chancellor’s Office.

Student appointments to such committees must be made in such a way as to ensure that both student government and the administration have confidence in the individuals appointed. The choice as to what method will be used to ensure student input will be a campus decision, and subject to the requirement that a procedure be established which will generate mutual confidence in student members on committees of the administration. In the event a campus procedure does not generate such mutual confidence and after exhaustion of all campus administrative remedies, such procedure may be reviewed by the Chancellor’s Office and ultimately by the Board of Trustees for appropriate action.

Related Documents:

Policy 205 – Student Representation to Board of Trustees Committees

Policy 407 – Student Representation in Collective Bargaining