Section 312 University Professor

Effective: 7/22/69
Last Revised:
Responsible Office: Academic Affairs

Policy Statement:

The title “University Professor” is reserved for faculty members with exceptional achievements that have brought them national or international distinction. It serves as recognition of the highest merit and exemplary contributions to the quality of the individual’s university.

The title may be conferred only on tenured individuals who occupy positions in academic units and carry the rank of professor, and individuals who are to join academic units as tenured professors.

Appointment to the position of University Professor involves service to other universities in the University of Maine System. The service may include teaching, consulting on curriculum and research matters, or other similar activities. University Professors will receive a salary increment, to be added to their base salary.

Appointment as a University Professor shall be recommended by the President, nominated by the Chancellor, and approved by the Board of Trustees. Each unit shall establish procedures for the selection of nominees.

Related Document:

Procedures for University Professor