Engineering and Computing

$150 million for a multi-university Maine College of Engineering and Computing to be cooperatively led by the University of Maine including a $75 million commitment from the Harold Alfond Foundation with a match obligation of another $75 million.

A statewide, integrated solution to providing the technical workforce and innovations that are critical to moving Maine’s economy forward

Maine College of Engineering and Computing (MCEC) Is Focused On the Future: High performing, impactful public higher education service has to include anticipating state workforce needs and delivering solutions that provide critical industries, communities and employers with the skilled workers needed to meet demand and move Maine forward. It is about providing the number of graduates with the requisite skills to maintain our state infrastructure and institutions, pursue opportunities in emerging markets and grow the Maine economy.

MCEC Will Deliver Solutions: Thousands of new engineering and computing graduates are needed to replace members of Maine’s existing workforce, and to fill new jobs that will have to be created in our increasingly interconnected, digital global economy. The development of the Maine College of Engineering and Computing is a transformational, forward-looking approach to planning and solution delivery for the University of Maine System.

MCEC Is a Statewide Approach: The UMS Transforms MCEC initiative is led by UMaine College of Engineering Dean Dana Humphrey, Professor and UMaine School of Computing and Information Science Director Penny Rheingans and Dean and Professor of the University of Southern Maine College of Science, Technology and Health Jeremy Qualls. It seeks a statewide solution that will provide additional undergraduate engineering programs at the University of Maine and University of Southern Maine, UMaine graduate engineering programs offered in Portland, expanded pathways into the statewide college from all University of Maine System universities, community colleges, and K–12 and new opportunities for shared programs, interdisciplinary structures and partnerships.

MCEC Community Survey

The University of Maine System invites MCEC staff, students and community who have taken part in—or have been unable to attend—recent listening sessions to provide feedback by filling out this survey (External Link).

The survey will be open throughout the spring until the listening sessions with various constituencies have concluded.

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