Due date: 5PM, Monday, October 30, 2023

Up to $10,000 awarded to collaborative teams

The University of Maine (UMS) Micro-Credential Steering Committee is pleased to announce the availability of a mini-grant opportunity to develop a University of Maine System micro-credential addressing workforce development needs in Maine.

UMS Micro-Credentials Development Mini-Grants


Collaborative teams will use funds to create a UMS micro-credential pathway and implement it by Fall 2024. Micro-credential pathways include the skills and competencies desired by employers to upskill/reskill adults, youth, and/or UMS students/employees. All UMS micro-credentials follow the same three-level framework that takes a learner from foundational knowledge through application in a real-world setting. Visit the UMS Micro-Credential website for more information about the UMS Micro-Credential Framework. We ask that courses or course shells be developed in UMS Brightspace

Applicant teams are not expected to have a fully formed micro-credential plan before completing the proposal. The Micro-Credential Development training will take you through the process, step-by-step, earning your own badges along the way. This training is required for funded development teams. We suggest you complete the one-hour Level 1 training to better understand the UMS Micro-Credential Framework before applying. Enroll in the Level 1 training here: UMS Micro-Credential Development Training.

Q&A Information session will be held on Thursday, September 28 at 2:00 PM via Zoom

Zoom Link: https://maine.zoom.us/j/83758109625

Please contact ums.mc@maine.edu if you would like to discuss an idea before you submit a proposal. Staff are available to answer your questions prior to and after submitting a proposal.

UMS Micro-Credential priority topic areas align with Maine workforce development plans including:

Governor’s Economic Recovery Committee Recommendations to Sustain and Grow Maine’s Economy 

Priority topic areas:

  • Renewable/Clean Energy/Climate Change Environmental Sustainability (Recovery Plan; Economic Development strategy)
  • Business/E-Commerce/Creative Economy (Recovery Plan – New Businesses) 
  • Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Businesses (Recovery Plan) 
  • Teacher Education, early childhood, and other Professional Development (Recovery Plan) 
  • Entrepreneurship (Recovery Plan)
  • Innovation in key industry sectors (e.g., Health Care, Aquaculture (beyond the one developed), Agriculture, Forestry, Manufacturing, Marine Sciences, Biological and Life Sciences, etc.) (Recovery Plan, Economic Development strategy)
  • Health care
  • Other topic areas may be considered with a strong workforce development justification and appropriate Maine labor market data.
  • One Cultural Awareness micro-badge* may also be funded. Please inquire about how to apply.

Eligibility and Development Teams: 

  • We encourage collaboration across all campuses. Teams will consist of faculty/staff members from more than one UMS campus.* UMS students and people outside the UMS may also be part of a development team (e.g., employers, industry professionals, State agencies/.gov, non-profit staff, etc.). The UMS Micro-Credential Steering Committee can help you to identify appropriate team members from across the system. Please contact us at ums.mc@maine.edu for assistance. 

NOTE: All development teams listed in this proposal must agree to complete the UMS Micro-Credential Development Training (Level 1-3). 

*If collaborators cannot be located across the UMS and/or the topic is unique to one campus, contact us to discuss your idea before submitting a proposal. 

  • Please talk to us if you believe you have a unique micro-credential idea for your campus. 

Time Commitment: 

The time needed for completing the required training, content development, and course design will vary per team. Typically, there is a 15-20-hour commitment across at least two semesters. Some teams choose to meet weekly. Course release is not allowed, but you may budget for time. 


  • Employer/Industry: We encourage you to discuss your idea with employers/industry members. They may wish to serve in an advisory role. Advisors will be helpful in determining industry need for the micro-credential’s skills and competencies. Advisors may commit to offering internships/applied learning opportunities and networking experiences to learners at Level 3. Advisors may also help teams with badge meta-data, content, standards, identification of target audiences, implementation and marketing plans, and provide assessment/evaluation of learners, etc. 

We also encourage you to submit a letter of support from at least one employer/industry partner to strengthen your workplace rationale. The letter will attest to the need for the micro-credential within the workforce and/or show commitment to serving in an advisory capacity. 

Advisors are not required to complete the Micro-Credential Development Training, but it is recommended that Advisors complete the one-hour Level 1 training to become familiar with te UMS approach and framework. 

You will have the opportunity to add to your development team and advisors once selected. 

Requirements and Expectations:

  • The micro-credential must aid workforce/economic development in Maine or beyond.
  • Collaboration across the UMS is a key component of the UMS Micro-Credential Initiative: 
    • Please develop a team from more than one UMS university. 

If collaborators cannot be located across the UMS and/or the topic is unique to one campus, contact us to discuss your idea before submitting a proposal. 

  • If funded, team members must complete the required training in a timely manner. The Level 1 training must be completed by all Development Team members before funding is released. See the expected timeline, in Appendix A.
  • The UMS Framework and guidelines must be followed. A complete micro-credential pathway (three levels and macro-badge) must be developed.**
  • Funded teams will be called upon to provide updates, outcomes data, and to participate in a feedback study. The team may also be asked to provide testimonials.
  • If selected, the team will consult with the UMS Instructional Designer. The designer will make sure your course meets micro-credential best practices. 
  • All mini-grant recipients are expected to use the funds as proposed. Any alterations will require approval. 
  • Funds must be used by June 14, 2024. No-cost Extensions/Carryovers require a formal process and are handled on a case-by-case basis, with no guarantees of an extension. Any unused funds must be returned. 
  • The team will indicate a Primary Contact. The Primary Contact is the point person for communication with UMS Micro-Credential Staff.
    • Responsibilities for the Primary Contact include: 
    • Acting as the main point of contact for communication with the UMS Micro-Credential Initiative staff,
    • If funded:  
    • Deliver progress reports on the overall status of the development process
    • Schedule working sessions with the team and advisors as needed
    • Keep the team on track, meeting goals
    • Submit team assignments/templates during training and revise as needed
    • Indicate a Financial Contact and work with this person and the UMS to receive the funds and work with the team to access the funds. Financial contacts or their designee will create the project numbers in MaineStreet and set up the accounting chartfields.

 **One exception to the pathway requirement: Funds were generated from the Dawnland micro-badge to create another Cultural Awareness micro-badge. Please contact ums.mc@maine.edu for details on requirements and how to apply. A micro-badge is a single badge that may assess knowledge and or skills/competencies. 

Selection Criteria:

Proposals will be evaluated based on how well the following areas are addressed: 

  • Clear description of the priority area/need, explaining the tie to workforce/economic development goals, and a clear rationale for the potential benefits to targeted learners
  • Understanding of the target audience and recruitment strategy. 
  • Clear articulation of a competency-based approach (e.g., skills and competencies to be assessed)
  • Budget rationale that adequately supports the project. Budget items may include (but are not limited to): Faculty/Staff time for micro-credential development. Time for development of a course in Brightspace. Course-release cannot be included. Food and travel are typically not supported. Please see the sample Budget (Appendix B). 
  • Appropriateness of the development team’s experience and commitment to the development of the micro-credential
  • A completed application with clear/thorough responses 
  • Meets all application requirements
  • The overall need for the micro-credential without duplication of efforts. 

Appendix A

Proposed Timeline for Funded Teams

TaskFall 2023Spring & summer 2024Fall 2024
Notification of awardBeginning of Nov.
Level 1 training completed by the Development team (before funds are released)No later than November 20
Team enrolls in Level 2 trainingNovember
Check-in with UMS M-C staffNov.-Jan.
Level 2 training completed (by all Development Team Members); Meta-Data draft submitted; Begin Level 3 trainingJan.-March(No later than March 29)
Check-in with UMS M-C staffMarch – April 
Level 3 training completed; Marketing planNo later than April 26
Content developed; Meet with UMS Instructional Designer; Brightspace course competed; If using – Course Merchant information provided to UMS staffNo later than June 10
Funds must be expended By June 14; any unused funds will be returned 
Micro-Credential marketing and launchBeginning of Fall 2024 semester or sooner

Appendix B

Sample Budget:

As part of the application, you will create a budget for the development of your Micro-Credential. Below are some examples of expenses. You are not limited those listed

  • Micro-Credential Development Team: Time for training and development. (Course-release cannot be included). 
  • Content Creation: Time and expertise
  • Administrative Support and/or Student Employee
  • Survey of needed competencies: Time and expertise 

NOTE – Additional Pay: Please add in the cost of compensation/benefits to UMS employees. Check with your Financial contact for the Fall 2023 rates. Use the term “Additional pay” and not “stipend.”

ItemCostNarrative: Description of the need/rationale for each item. Why are the funds for each item needed? 
1. Development Team’s time; Content Specialist/Advisor time: 5 members$1000 X 5 = $5000 plus added benefitsRequested to support the Development Team members/Advisors for their time: micro-credential training, subject matter planning, supervisory tasks, drafting documentation.
2. Administrative Staff/Student Employee time (e.g., Webpage Development; tracking evidence; communication) over 2 semesters$1000Requested to fund a professional staff member (or student employee) to provide administrative support, data management, evidence tracking, and webpage for marketing.
3. Brightspace, content, and course design team. 3 people $1000 each $3000Requested for team members to develop content and put that content in Brightspace, create videos and branded slides, seek permissions, conduct accessibility checks, use e-learning best practices
Total: Total: $9000 plus added benefits 

To Apply: Please use the link below to complete a proposal. The due date is 5 PM on Monday, October 30, 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted. 

You may also email a letter of support from an employer/industry partner to ums@maine.edu

University of Maine System Micro-Credential Mini-Grant Proposal Application Form (External Link – Google Form)

Micro-Credential RFP

Below are the questions on the Google Form.

UMS Micro-Credential Mini-Grant 2023 Proposal

Primary Contact Name:

Email Address: 
Campus & Department/Unit: 

Name of the Micro-Credential:


Please complete the following:

  1. DESCRIPTION AND GOALS: Provide a brief description of your proposed micro-credential. Include the priority topic area, and purpose/goals. Also, answer these questions to the best of your knowledge: What gap will the micro-credential fill, and/or what problem(s) are you attempting to address? How might the micro-credential benefit the development team’s institutions?
  1. AUDIENCE(S): Who are your targeted learners? What are the potential benefits for these learners? How do you plan to recruit these learners? How do you know these learners will be interested?

3.  WORKFORCE/ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT: Provide a brief rationale explaining how this micro-credential will meet workforce and economic development goals and needs. Please include available data on the labor market value and employer demand/need and reference one or both Maine reports or similar reports/data. Also, describe your interactions with employers/industry about the need for this micro-credential. NOTE: You may also submit a letter of support from an employer/Industry partner. 


4.     COMPETENCIES: Describe your competency-based approach. Answer these questions to the best of your knowledge: What skills and competencies will be strengthened or developed as a learner moves through the micro-credential? Also, include any knowledge learners would gain.



5.     Do you have or have you requested other sources of funding for the development of this micro-credential?

___ Yes          ___ No

6.     Are you aware of experiential/applied learning opportunities such as internships available to micro-credential learners? Please keep in mind that applied learning opportunities are part of every UMS micro-credential.

___ Yes           ___ Not at this time

UMS Micro-Credential Development Team:

Please complete the following information for each Development Team member. Only include people who have agreed to complete the micro-credential training. You will have the opportunity to add to your development team once selected. Please seek development team members from more than one UMS university. Members may also be outside the UMS.

Development Team Member:

Campus and Department: 
Email Address: 
Narrative: Commitment/ Contribution to the team (e.g., subject matter expert). 

Development Team Member:

Campus and Department: 
Email Address: 
Narrative: Commitment and contribution to the team (e.g., subject matter expert). 

Development Team Member:

Campus and Department: 
Email Address: 
Narrative: Commitment and contribution to the team (e.g., subject matter expert). 

Development Team Member:

Campus and Department: 
Email Address: 
Narrative: Commitment and contribution to the team (e.g., subject matter expert). 

Advisors (Optional, but highly recommended to strengthen the workforce relevancy of your proposal). Advisors are not required to complete the Micro-Credential Development Training, but it is recommended that Advisors complete the Level 1 training.


Campus and Department: 
Email Address: 

Letter of Support – Optional

Attach a signed letter of support from the employer/industry partner listed above.

The letter will include:

●      Statement of commitment to serve in an advisory role.

●      Support of the development of this micro-credential.

●      A statement of the need to develop this micro-credential within the workforce.

This person may also commit to offering internships/applied learning opportunities and networking experiences to learners at Level 3.

Send the letter to ums.mc@maine.edu by the deadline (recommended).

Add any additional advisors. Optional.

Advisor 2:

Campus and Department: 
Email Address: 

Advisor 3:

Campus and Department: 
Email Address: 


Please create a budget for your Micro-Credential. Here are some examples of expenses. You are not limited to these.

●      Micro-Credential Development team: Time for training and development. (Course-release cannot be included).

●      Content Creation: Time and expertise

●      Administrative Support and/or Student Employee

●      Survey of needed competencies: Time and expertise

Use this budget template to provide a budget and budget rationale/narrative that adequately supports the project. You may add additional rows as needed.


Budget Narrative/Rationale:

Description of the need/rationale for each item. Why are the funds for each item needed?

Item #Narrative


To Apply: Please use the link below to complete a proposal. The due date is

5 PM on Monday, October 30, 2023. Late submissions will not be accepted. Early submissions are appreciated!

You may also email a letter of support from an employer/industry partner to ums@maine.edu.