Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer and Coach


This micro-credential recognizes and validates the learner’s successful completion of the University of Maine System (UMS) Maine Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS) Tier 1 Trainer and Coach pathway (Levels 1, 2, and 3). The learner completed activities and coursework that broadened their understanding of PBIS and developed competencies to effectively coach and/or train school leadership teams in Tier 1 PBIS. Key concepts included PBIS Foundational Learning; Trainer Capacity Building; Effective Coaching; High-Quality Professional Development Training; and Program Content. The following skills and competencies were developed and assessed:

  • Comprehensive understanding and application of the PBIS framework in schools
  • Effective coaching/facilitation of school PBIS leadership teams
  • Effective cohort-based training of school PBIS leadership teams
  • Use of adult learning principles
  • Ability to support school PBIS leadership teams’ use of PBIS Apps, SWIS, and PBIS Assessment tools

This badge expires 3 years after the date of issue.

Contact Information:

For more information, contact Karen Robbie,, or Courtney Angelosante,


University of Maine (External Site)


  • Skills
  • Engagement

Who is Eligible:

  • To ensure a personalized experience, the course will only accept 10 participants each year. Applications are due by July 31. Review the expectations and requirements below and carefully consider your availability. If you currently work in a school or district, you will need to obtain and submit a letter of district approval for participation. You will also need to complete an online application here.

Badgr Pages for the Levels of the Micro-Credential:

Visit the Badgr Pathway for Maine PBIS Tier 1 Trainer and Coach (External Site).

View full list of Micro-Credentials

Last Update: 2/21/23